Wuznt goin to but oh well
the song it's self isnt bad at all. Its not exactly soothing and the complete pauses in it are kinda awkward in my opinion-theyr just too long it feels... but I like you effort and the melody is a nice idea and start! All you need to do now is build up a little more on it. Like add some strings in the back ground- not too loud though- just something that gives that soft and smooth and flowing skin over wat seems to be right now the bare bones of a music piece. you know wat i mean? Anyways thats just wat I'd do. I noticed youre just like me. I also love reviews and comments too! I'll check out your account and other music you got and review some, Im gettin tired early tonight, But I'd also love it if you'd listen and write reviews for my submitions too. Who knows, maybe we can keep in contact in the future